
Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Five!

So so so looking forward to the weekend. Pretty sure it's the first weekend in months that we have not a single plan in the works. I have an idea of some things I'd like to do this weekend, but it's too much pressure to actually write it out. I'd like to just see how the weekend goes. I can't wait!

Reflecting on this past week, here are the friday five highlights! Linking Up with:

A. Liz Adventures - Carolina Charm - Hello!Happiness - The Good Life Blog

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1. The best part of the week is today because David comes home from a week trip. I was quite a bit jealous that he got to spend the week in Atlanta. I tried my hardest to convince him that I should tag along for the week, to no avail. The wise guy turned me down due to the fact that I don't have a job yet, meaning smallllll budget. Lame. ESPECIALLY because it was cold....AND....we got snow. 

2. Snow! ONLY mid-November through New Years Day is snow acceptable in my book! So bring it on for another 7 weeks. By February 2nd, I will likely be cursing that darn Groundhog. 

3. I purchased this sweater this week and have worn it every single day with leggings. Obsessed. Definitely not loving the way they show this sweater on the website. 

4. Extra Snuggles before bed with Padrig. This dog. THIS DOG! The best. He kept me company all week long.
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5. Chai Tea Lattes. New discovery. Enough said. 

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Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. i love that sweater! it looks cozy! perfect for snowy weather. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Give me anything comfy and cozy! Stopping by from the link up. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. That cardigan looks amazing! My hubby comes home from being away for two weeks today too, and I am super excited! :)
