
Friday, November 28, 2014

Leftovers Day

I don't shop Black Friday. I ESPECIALLY choose to avoid all the stores who are open ON THANKSGIVING! I'd rather pay an extra $20 than deal with that mess! All you who are braving the storm, good luck! 

Black Friday is ridiculous


I'd rather call today THE BEST LEFTOVERS DAY!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful and Blessed

Happy Thanksgiving!


So Thankful and Blessed to be able to spend Thanksgiving with both of our families this year! It truly has been an amazing year for us!

This year, I am extremely thankful for:
*Getting the marry my favorite person ever!
*My family (all of them)
*Padrig, the cutest dog there ever was.
*The opportunity to move to back to MI
*My friends
*Down comforters 
*Good health
*A new niece (born just a few days ago!)
*A supportive husband
*And anyone who reads this blog! :) Such a new journey here and I appreciate you following along!

Wishing you and yours a happy thanksgiving and a wonderful start to the holiday season!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stocking Stuffers - A Few of My Favorite Things

With less than one month to go until Christmas, it would be a good idea to get ahead of Christmas shopping. I love the idea of stocking stuffers. This is where you can give practical gifts and things that others won't necessarily buy for themselves. 

As part of the Holiday Link up with Cheers Y'allA. Liz Adventures Miss DixieSouthern Style, I put together a few of my stocking stuffer ideas.
Stocking Stuffers
What is your favorite stocking stuffer to receive?? I think mine is definitely comfy socks or chapstick. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

'Tis the Season for Scarves

One of my favorite accessories is a scarf. Not only can scarves personalize an outfit, it is the perfect item to have on hand during the colder months. 

I thought I'd share some scarves I'd love to get my hands on this winter...

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Which ones do you like??

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

Happy Tuesday! 

I really enjoy all the holiday link up parties go around this time of year!!! So I'm joining a great one today! 


A few of my favorite things/Wish List Items!

A Few of My Favorite Things

1 - I have been looking for a good way to store all my jewelry without taking up a bunch of space and this storage mirror seems like the perfect solution! Sidenote: I think I will have to find a cheaper alternative. 

2 - Love the details on this necklace from LOFT

3 - Could always use a few more glamour stud-like earrings.

4 - Need some Spartan decals for the new car! Go Green!

5 -  And why not add another MSU item such as lounge pants. 

Can't wait to see everyone else's lists!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lazy but Productive Weekend

Per usual, the weekend went by way too fast! 

It was a pretty good weekend here. 

Friday night, we rented The Wolf of Wall Street. I fell asleep during the last 30 minutes. I must say, NOT my kind of movie. Way too sexually graphic for me. It really took away from the movie in MY opinion. 

Saturday we hit the ground running with errands. Grocery shopping, took some things to our storage unit, hair cut for David and a quick trip to Home Depot.  In between, we stopped at my favorite new pizza place, Blaze pizza. This pizza is amazing! I told David I didn't care what we did this weekend as long as I could satisfy my craving for Blaze. And I did indeed!

Insert food picture ;)

We also headed out driving to a bunch of different areas in the Detroit suburbs. David and I are both completely new to this area so before we started really hunting, we wanted to scope out areas that may suit our needs. A lot of driving, but in the end, we think we found an area we want to start searching in. Woo Hoo! Baby steps!

We did a mini-date night of dinner out and rented another movie, Her.
AGAIN, fell asleep with 30 minutes to go. (Notice a trend here?) This one was better than the night before but the movie was so darn weird! 

Sunday was a really lazy day besides a walk.

I was able to finally take David to a park I found the other day. We took Padrig for a short walk on one of the trails. I decided I need to buy cross-country skis this year because they have some awesome paths for the winter! I am wayyyy too lazy in the winter and I want this year to be different. 

It was a really, laid back weekend and just what we needed. David had a different work schedule today so we were able to go check out the cutest cape code house with our realtor.  It's a MAJOR fixer upper but has so much potential! We are both pretty obsessed with the area it's located in as well as the outdoor space.  It's a sad house that needs some love and I think David and I are just the people to do it!? Channelling our inner HGTV selves!

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Five!

So so so looking forward to the weekend. Pretty sure it's the first weekend in months that we have not a single plan in the works. I have an idea of some things I'd like to do this weekend, but it's too much pressure to actually write it out. I'd like to just see how the weekend goes. I can't wait!

Reflecting on this past week, here are the friday five highlights! Linking Up with:

A. Liz Adventures - Carolina Charm - Hello!Happiness - The Good Life Blog

 photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.png

1. The best part of the week is today because David comes home from a week trip. I was quite a bit jealous that he got to spend the week in Atlanta. I tried my hardest to convince him that I should tag along for the week, to no avail. The wise guy turned me down due to the fact that I don't have a job yet, meaning smallllll budget. Lame. ESPECIALLY because it was cold....AND....we got snow. 

2. Snow! ONLY mid-November through New Years Day is snow acceptable in my book! So bring it on for another 7 weeks. By February 2nd, I will likely be cursing that darn Groundhog. 

3. I purchased this sweater this week and have worn it every single day with leggings. Obsessed. Definitely not loving the way they show this sweater on the website. 

4. Extra Snuggles before bed with Padrig. This dog. THIS DOG! The best. He kept me company all week long.
Displaying IMG_1611.JPG

5. Chai Tea Lattes. New discovery. Enough said. 

Displaying IMG_1613.JPG

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thanksgiving with Pinterest

The best part about being married and having TWO families to celebrate holidays with? Thanksgiving dinner TWICE!! That's right, I don't hold back. I will eat both meals in their entirety and not feel bad for one flippin second.  

Needless to say, I'm pumped for Thanksgiving. 

AND I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to shop the crazy early hours. No thanks, not for me. I'll look for my deals the day after Christmas (which happen to be better deals anyways).

On another note, I thought I would add some of my favorite Pinterest finds related to Thanksgiving. Before we made the move back to Michigan, David and I both wanted to host Thanksgiving at our house in Indy. We will have to wait til next year when we have a house to host in!


* Cute printables for Thanksgiving gifts. I really like this idea! Why save all the gifts for Christmas?!
Thankful for Sweet Friends Like You Tag - Free download on { }

*Bringing the Outside Inside with this leaf garland. Next time I walk the dog, I will be on a leaf hunt...
As much as I love crafting and making decorations, most of my time is spent creating for my clients' painting and wedding projects. I'd love to have a moment to try out projects from Pinterest or think up some crafty goodness to share here on this blog, but heck…I'm lucky if I can manage a…

*While this is not just a Thansgiving decoration, I love the multi-use. My sister-in-law made her own DIY craft similar to this a couple years ago.
Fall autumn thanksgiving Christmas winter reversible seasonal decor wood block set personalized sign gift on Etsy, $50.00

*Leaf art. Not sure how well I could DIY and pull this off, but worth a try sometime. You could even have everyone write on the wood and add what they are each thankful for? Or instead of a leaf, you could make a turkey with the leaves as the feathers?? So much possibility!
leaf art fall

I'll share any of my projects that I attempt. Can't wait to get started. Hope they don't turn into a pinterest fail.   ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Our Wedding

I wanted to share some photos and details from our wedding. It was truly such a special day and I still get excited looking at the photos. 25 years from now I am sure I will feel the same way!

Starting with the "getting ready" shots!

Maid of Honor Maria helping with the buttons.

My Handsome Groom

Woo Hoo!

Family Photos!

Our fur baby, Padrig!

Wedding Party!

Bride and Groom...


Succulent Wedding Favors

We truly had the best time on our wedding day! 

Our band was amazing, everyone had so much fun and we were surrounded by the people we love most! 

So SO happy! 
