
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Well Hello Again!

It's incredible to think about all the things that have taken place
in life since the last time I posted!

I don't think I posted one thing in December, which is truly remarkable
with all the lovely crafting, christmas cards, recipes and 
homemade Christmas gifts!

So let's just skip December. That was a month of job searching and
learning to be a Michigander again. Yay! I also picked up a 
little part-time job at the LOFT which was fun and great!

After the holidays and a VERY low key New Years with my hubby, 2015 hit
off with a bang. And a bug! A two-day stomach flu that
hit both my husband and me. Ugh! Oh and I should mention it was
the 3rd day at my very new full-time job that I landed just before
the new year! I can honestly say that I was so sick and add that
to being very anxious about having to call in sick on my first week!

But we managed to get through it and I didn't get fired! Woo hoo! 
Because I love my new job! SO MUCH! I didn't know if was
possible to get up every day and not dread the next 9 hours. 

I feel so lucky and blessed!

Besides starting a new job, the New Year also began with 
a house hunt! And after a few weeks of looking, we
put in an offer on a home and we just moved in a couple weeks ago!

It's been so fun learning a new area and making this house
a home!
I can't wait to post some projects soon!
That is all for now! I hope to be able to get the ball rolling
on blogging once again! And keep it rolling!